Camper Support and Kit Support Fund
FSC welcomes every child, whether or not their parents or carers can afford the cost of camp or have the right equipment. Your help can continue to make this promise a reality. If you would like to support children to enjoy the magic that camp brings to children’s lives and development, then please give to our Support Fund.
New Haddenham Stores Base
Through the immense generosity of our supporters, we have been able to finish the first and major phase in rebuilding our new stores base at Haddenham. Our new “Big Roof”, brings our equipment storage, tent repair workshop, kitchen and training room under one purpose-built roof for the first time. We now need to complete the fit out of the building and repair the surrounding land.
Any donation great or small is appreciated. If you are able to set up a regular gift this will allow us to plan more effectively and ensure we can continue our work for years to come.
How to Donate
As we are an entirely volunteer-run organisation, using the JustGiving platform usefully saves us time. JustGiving take 5% of the Gift Aid income in processing charges. They also ask people to give extra to cover their platform costs, but this is entirely optional: you can change the default 15% to zero by choosing ‘other’ and £0 to pay no extra.
If you would prefer to pay by direct bank transfer, standing order or cheque then please let us know by completing this online form which can include a gift aid declaration if you are a UK taxpayer and want your donation to go further. The form also gives our bank details as well as the address to send cheques.
Contact Us
If you have any questions please email
How your donation will be used
- £530 (the price of a summer camp) will send a child on camp this year who might not otherwise afford to go.
- £100 will buy a tent that we could send on camp for a child who doesn’t have one.
- £60 will buy a sleeping bag.

For other ways to give to FSC, for example, leaving a gift in your will, please see the Support FSC page
If we exceed our fundraising target for the rebuilding project or our Camper and Kit Support Funds, then the money will be spent where the need is greatest, for example, repairing our equipment for next year’s camps. FSC is committed to open and honest fundraising. We aim to follow best practice in all areas of fundraising and to respect the needs and wishes of donors wherever possible. For more details of how we do this, please refer to our Fundraising Policy.