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FSC Environment policy

Respect for the natural environment has always been one of the central aspects of Forest School Camp (FSC) teaching. In order to survive, every human being needs water, food that we take from the biosphere, an atmosphere that we can breathe, a climate that suits our organisms and a minimum amount of living space. To live sustainably, we have to consider both our resources (not only raw materials, but also natural assets such as biodiversity) and the pollution arising from their use. We must consider the possible long-term implications of our actions and recognise the hidden disasters that may build up gradually to produce catastrophic effects for future generations. By reflecting on how our current camping practices affect the environment, these issues will come to the fore and improve the educational experience of those that camp with us.

Accordingly we are stating our commitment to:

  • Promoting the efficient use of wood and other forms of fuel
  • Recycling materials at every opportunity or disposing of them in a sustainable manner
  • Minimising disturbance or damage to wildlife and ecosystems that use the sites where we camp
  • Aiming to provide food with a low impact on the environment
  • Using degradable products whenever possible
  • Developing ways of improving the environmental impact of existing and proposed activities
  • Encouraging research into the environmental effects of our activities
  • Promoting environmental awareness.

This policy agreed by FSC Council on 1 October 2005