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Criminal Offences and Disclosure and Barring Checks: Policy Statement

As part of the ongoing care and safeguarding of the children and adults we take on camp Forest School Camps requires all staff to have completed an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check for children and adults before volunteering as a staff member on our camps.

FSC follows the published Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) code of practice available at:

All staff on our camps are required to have a DBS (or CRB) check that is less than 3 years old at the time of the camp.

FSC aims to have all staff registered with the DBS update service so we can re-check their DBS status on a regular basis.

Anyone identified as being included in the Children’s Barred List or the Adults’ Barred List will not be permitted to attend any of our camps or have any role within the organisation:

Other criminal offences will not necessarily exclude a person from being a member of staff. For example, a non-violent public order offence that occurred during direct political action would not, on its own, exclude someone from being a member of staff.

FSC will follow the guidance issued by NACRO in assessing whether past offences mean a person is unsuitable to be a member of staff:

Offences will initially be considered by the FSC DBS lead countersignatory, the FSC Staffing Secretary and two other nominated members of the staffing committee. Legal expertise may be sought to clarify the nature of offences. If we have any concerns, the individual (potential) staff member will be contacted and the concerns discussed. The final decision about whether a person is permitted to staff will be made jointly by the Staffing Secretary, and the DBS Lead Countersignatory.  Any appeals to this decision should be made to the chair of FSC.

Policy produced and agreed by Staffing Committee and Council, October 2016